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Bone Spurs Hurt

No kidding, right?

Ok, so my last entry was a couple of weeks back. I discussed the results of that 11 mile run which I did half on the roads.

Well, a day or so later my heel started hurting like mad. Almost like a stinging or stabbing pain. Like walking with a jagged pebble in my shoe.  That’s what this spur feels like.

Took a few days off from running to give it a rest. Since then I have been sticking to 3 and 4 mile runs and on days there was too much pain to run I switched to my stationary bike.

So here we are, almost 3 weeks later and things are finally starting to feel better. Time to get back on the running trail (so to speak). I am overdue for a distance run, so that will be my goal for next weekend (weather permitting).

I also decided to purchase some new running shoes. The last pair I purchased (back in July) were very good, but since July I put 261 miles on those shoes.  I have seen recommendations to replace your shoes anywhere from 250 miles to 500 miles.

But more interestingly are the articles and studies I have been reading about running shoes in general and whether or not they are actually any better then “cheap” shoes.  It’s been an eye opener for me – which goes to show how much we (I) believe what we see in advertisements… 🙂

Here is an article which talks about a study did by the military:

Phys Ed: Do Certain Types of Sneakers Prevent Injuries?



Here’s another interesting read by Timothy Ferris. He’s a fanatical tester and this article is a review of Vibram Five Fingers shoes, but there very good information in here…

Vibram Five Fingers Shoes: The Barefoot Alternative

By Timothy Ferris

I may have to test those Vibrams…

One thing is obvious to me – I still have a lot to learn. In the meantime I’ll get back to more serious running now that my foot feels better.

Just remember – whether you’re running or doing any other fitness activities… Be Safe!

Vitamin B12 and You

Training Begins

A Good Moooo-ning Run

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